


加入: 创始人(1993)
地点: 英国布拉克内尔(全球总部)

Sean is the co-founder and Global Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the 红杉技术 Group. 彼负责本集团之策略方向及日常管理. Sean’s commercial expertise keeps the Group at the forefront of the customer experience industry, and he also works at a technical level with the core teams that define high-level product design. 自1993年成立以来, 红杉技术 stands as a cutting-edge provider of omni-channel communications servers, 为大型企业供货, 60多个国家的政府机构和csp(通信服务提供商).

此前,Sean曾在Rhetorex Inc .的工程团队工作. (被朗讯收购), 计算机电话领域的先驱, 在英国和圣何塞都有, 加州. He was a member of the CBI’s Enterprise Forum and is currently part of its AI Working Group.

In January 2018 Sean was appointed Deputy Lieutenant for the Royal County of Berkshire, 他还为该地区的许多慈善和志愿组织服务, 包括伯克希尔社区基金会(BCF)的受托人, 专门照顾脆弱的成人和儿童的慈善机构. 十几岁时曾代表伯克希尔郡参加县级越野跑, 他现在是布拉克内尔体育俱乐部的主席.

Sean holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Electronics and Computer Science from King’s College, 伦敦大学 and maintains links with the University through the annually awarded 红杉技术 Prize for Best Performance in the MSc Telecommunications and Internet Technology programme.




加入: 创始人(1993)
地点: 英国布拉克内尔(全球总部)

马丁·泰勒是红木科技集团的联合创始人之一, 负责战略性市场开发和公司的公共部门实践. 客户参与解决方案的领先创新者, 马丁经常在国际会议和媒体上发表演讲. 他是英国工业联合会东南理事会的当选成员, a member of the National Health Service England Digital and Urgent Care Strategy Board and a judge at the Soldiering on Through Life Trust. 马丁也是彼得琼斯企业基金会的客座讲师, which trains disadvantaged young people in setting up and running their own businesses.

从国王学院毕业后, 伦敦大学, 工商管理(荣誉)理学士学位, 马丁曾在亚洲担任期货市场分析师. 1993年,他回到英国,帮助创办了红木科技公司, developing new overseas territories – particularly emerging markets – and adapting Redwood’s powerful and unique core technology for new sectors. 作为国王学院的重要校友, Martin is also a member of the Advisory Board at King’s College London Business School, 他是战略方面的客座讲师吗.

实时计费的先驱, Martin’s early work with deregulated telecommunications operators led directly to the multi-tenanted, 多层次的, 内容大师的多媒体会计性质 风暴 服务. Martin also devised a number of important interactive media and payment applications that are today commonplace around the world.

马丁业余时间喜欢跑步, 他曾经是伯克希尔公司的越野冠军,参加过比赛, 和肖恩一起, 在英国学校越野锦标赛中.




加入: 2010
地点: 英国布拉克内尔(全球总部)

红杉技术 Group首席运营官(COO), John has been responsible for the commercial and financial strategy of the company since 2010, and continues to be a driving force in its success in the customer experience industry. 在这, he manages the development of key accounts and advances expansion into international markets, 尤其是美国. John’s main area of responsibility is overseeing the financial and commercial day-to-day activities of the group. 这包括管理和财务报告, 商业模式, 以及法律和供应商关系.

约翰毕业于杜伦大学,获得商业经济学(荣誉)学士学位. 狂热的板球迷, 直到最近他还是当地球队的队长, and he continues to manage the grounds alongside playing hockey and spending time with his family.




加入: 1996
地点: 英国布拉克内尔(全球总部)

Robert joined 红杉技术 Group in 1996 and heads the Group’s development and operations structures. He joined from Lucent Technologies Computer Telephony Products division (formerly Rhetorex Inc.), 他毕业后在哪里工作, 从技术支持做起,到工程经理. 拥有超过20年的软件工程和通信经验, he is a key design authority of the Group’s leading-edge cloud communications architecture.

作为首席技术官(首席技术官), Robert oversees the development of the Group’s innovative Customer Engagement and Experience solutions, and has been instrumental in introducing agile development techniques and KanBan organizational processes across the business. Robert is pivotal to the Group’s success and is responsible for the management of future product releases through software development, 网络设计与安全.

Robert graduated from King’s College London with a BEng (Hons) in Electronics and Computer Science.



国家经理(荷兰) & 达奇)

加入: 2013
地点: 荷兰海牙(比荷卢总部)

迈克尔·范登·布林克 is the Country Manager of 内容专家 Benelux as well as the 内容专家 DACH region, 是红木科技集团的一部分. 他于2013年3月加入本集团, 带来了KPN在荷兰市场的丰富管理经验, 他在那里担任大型企业的销售总监. Michael管理集团的比荷卢总部. He takes responsibility for ensuring that 红杉技术 Group’s customers receive best-in-class service. Michael applies his management experience to expanding the sales and brand awareness of the company in the Benelux region.

After graduating from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences with a degree in Business Administration, Michael加入KPN的商业市场部门担任项目经理, from which he rapidly progressed to the role of Implementation Manager for new releases of sales tools aimed at the consumer market.

热衷于游泳的人, 迈克尔当了五年当地水球和游泳俱乐部的主席, 并且仍然经常享受这项运动. 他经常跑步,既是为了运动,也是为了照顾他的三个孩子.




加入: 2017
地点: 英国布拉克内尔(全球总部)

克里斯·富兰克林 is the 开发工程主管, responsible for managing the Group’s Research & 开发部门和协调产品策略. His focus on the innovation of emerging technologies and capabilities such as AI ensures the Group continues to optimize and expand core technology globally. 克里斯从葛兰素史克公司加入, where he worked as a CPMS (Clinical Pharmacology Modelling and Simulation) Development and Technologies Manager, 和以前, 首席技术主管.

Chris completed a PhD in Scattering Theory with Applications to Muon Catalyzed Fusion and Positron H2+ Collisions at The University of Nottingham, 之前毕业于圣约翰学院, 牛津大学, 拥有数学学士学位. 在大学期间,克里斯获得了圣托马斯怀特奖学金. 约翰的大学, 牛津大学 (1989) and was in the final 12 for the British Mathematics Olympiad team (1987).



加入: 2005
地点: 英国布拉克内尔(全球总部)

马特加入集团已经15年了. 他监督项目管理团队, responsible for ensuring customer needs are met when delivering end-to-end cloud solutions through the 风暴 平台. Matt’s main focus is ensuring superior Customer Engagement and Experience for the 红杉技术 Group’s multi-award-winning utilities and healthcare deployments, 它们为数百万人提供基本服务.

马特作为一名应届毕业生加入了红木科技, having received a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and Business Computer Systems at the University of Gloucestershire, 并对所有科技事物保持着迷恋. 马特一直喜欢旅行, 他深情地回忆起他到世界其他地方的旅行, 尤其是他在秘鲁和埃及水域的水肺潜水.




加入: 2021
地点: 英国布拉克内尔(全球总部)

山姆·富勒是红木科技集团的客户成功总监, 负责为集团客户创造价值.

Sam works closely with customer-facing teams at every touchpoint in the customer journey, ensuring that the company’s own CX reaches the high standards delivered by its end users.

Sam有20年的客户服务和销售经验, 最近担任Bulb的经验主管.


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